- Ferrous sulfate is a type of iron that is normally obtained from the foods you eat1. It is an essential body mineral that becomes a part of your hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your blood to tissues and organs, while myoglobin helps your muscle cells store oxygen1. Ferrous sulfate is just one of many forms of the metal element iron, and in its natural state, the solid mineral resembles small crystals that are typically a shade of yellow, brown, or bluish-green2.معرفة المزيد:✕تم إنشاء هذا الملخص باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي استنادا إلى مصادر متعددة عبر الإنترنت. لعرض معلومات المصدر الأصلية، استخدم ارتباطات "معرفة المزيد".
Ferrous sulfate is a type of iron. You normally get iron from the foods you eat. In your body, iron becomes a part of your hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your blood to tissues and organs. Myoglobin helps your muscle cells store oxygen. Ferrous Sulfate is an essential body mineral.
www.drugs.com/ferrous_sulfate.htmlFerrous sulfate is just one of many forms of the metal element iron. In its natural state, the solid mineral resembles small crystals. The crystals are typically a shade of yellow, brown, or bluish-green — hence why ferrous sulfate is sometimes called green vitriol ( 1 ).
www.healthline.com/nutrition/ferrous-sulfate دواء كبريتات الحديد (Ferrous sulfate) | الموقع الطبي ابن سينا | أدوية ...
Ferrous Sulfate: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and More
21 جمادى الأولى 1442 بعد الهجرة · This article is an overview of the iron supplement ferrous sulfate, its benefits and side effects, and how it may help treat and prevent iron deficiency.
كبريتات الحديد، Ferrous Sulphate، مكمل غذائي | الطبي
Ferrous Sulfate Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions ... - WebMD
Ferrous Sulfate: Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Interactions ... - RxList
Ferrous Sulfate: Uses, How to Take, Dosage & Side …
Ferrous sulfate is a supplement for iron deficiency anemia, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Learn how to take it, what dosage to use and what side effects to expect.
Ferrous sulfate: 7 things you should know - Drugs.com
Ferrous Sulfate: Iron Supplement Uses, Warnings, Side
How and when to take ferrous sulfate - NHS