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  2. Carpometacarpal
    • وفق 4 من المصادر
    The carpometacarpal (CMC) joints are five joints in the wrist that articulate the distal row of carpal bones and the proximal bases of the five metacarpal bones.
    The base of the thumb where it meets the hand is called the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint. This joint lets the thumb move freely in many directions. It provides strength so the hand can grasp and grip. A smooth tissue called cartilage lines and cushions the bones of the CMC joint.
    The carpometacarpal (CMC) of the thumb is a saddle joint that permits a wide range of motion and is largely responsible for the characteristic dexterity of human prehension. This joint, located at the very base of the thumb, is subject to large physical stresses throughout life.
    The carpometacarpal (CMC) joints are synovial joints formed by articulations of the distal carpal row and the metacarpal bones. The carpometacarpal joints are made up of a number of bony articulations 1.
  3. Carpometacarpal joint - Wikipedia

  4. Carpometacarpal Joint - an overview | ScienceDirect …

    The carpometacarpal joint is a synovial, saddle-shaped joint that serves as the articulation between the trapezium and the base of the first metacarpal (Fig. 85.4). The joint’s primary function is to optimize the pinch function of the hand.

  5. The Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint: Anatomy, …

    The CMC joint, with its complex demands of both stability and mobility, is prone to arthritis for a variety of reasons: evolutionary pressure for a less constrained joint, intricate kinematics and compressive loads with functional activity, and …

  6. Carpometacarpal joint | Radiology Reference Article

  7. Review of thumb carpometacarpal arthritis classification, …

  8. Carpometacarpal joints (CMC joints) - Everything You …

    9 رجب 1445 بعد الهجرة · The carpometacarpal (CMC) joints connect the carpal (carpo-) and metacarpal (-metacarpal) bones of the hand. The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb (trapeziometacarpal joint) is the most specialized and flexible of the …

  9. The Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb: Stability, Deformity, and ...

  10. The Metacarpophalangeal Joint - Ligaments

    24 رمضان 1444 بعد الهجرة · The metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint is classified as a condyloid synovial joint. It connects each digit to the palm. Articulating Surfaces. The metacarpophalangeal joint consists of an articulation between two bones …

  11. Carpometacarpal (CMC) Joint Injuries - The Orthopedic …

    15 ذو القعدة 1440 بعد الهجرة · Learn about the causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options for carpometacarpal joint injuries, which affect the base of the thumb. Find out how to diagnose and manage this condition with medication, …

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