1. The favorite choice for the term "Garden Salad" is 1 cup of Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables which has about 11 calories. Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Garden Salad is shown below.

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    The favorite choice for the term "Garden Salad" is 1 cup of Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables which has about 11 calories. Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Garden Salad is shown below.


    Calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrate values for for Garden Salad and other related foods.


    2 cups of garden salad (Bagged - Compliments) contains 15 Calories. The macronutrient breakdown is 75% carbs, 0% fat, and 25% protein. This has a relatively low calorie density, with 15 Calories per 100g. 🥕 Generate your perfect meal plan in 2 clicks with our Automatic Meal Planner:


    Calories and other nutrition information for Garden Salad - 1 serving (2 cups) from Nutritionix


    Calories and other nutrition information for Garden Salad without Dressing - 1 cup from Nutritionix

  2. Calories in Garden Salad - Nutritionix

  3. Garden Salad Nutrition Facts - Eat This Much

  4. Calories in Garden Salad - 1 serving (2 cups) from Nutritionix

  5. Garden Salad without Dressing - 1 cup - Nutritionix

  6. Garden Salad Nutrition Facts - Eat This Much

  7. People also ask
  8. Calories in Garden Salad and Nutrition Facts - mynetdiary.com

  9. How many calories in a garden salad? - Chef's Resource

  10. Garden Salad Nutrition Facts - Eat This Much

  11. Nutrition Facts for Garden Salad - MyFoodDiary

  12. Some results have been removed