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  1. First Aid for Burns: How to Treat 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Burns

    • Burns fall into three categories based on severity. The types of burns include: 1. First-degree: These superficial burns affect only the epidermis(the outer layer of the skin). 2. Second-degree: Also called partial thi… See more

    First Aid Immediately After A Burn

    If you or someone around you gets burned, these are some general steps you should take immediately: 1. Step away from the source of the burn. 2. Gently flush the area with cool wa… See more

    Verywell Health
    When to See A Healthcare Provider

    Seek emergency medical care by calling 911 if: 1. Burns cover the limbs, hands, face, genitals, joints, or a large part of the body. 2. Burns look leathery or skin appears charred, dar… See more

    Verywell Health
    Treatment For Burns

    The following are the treatment measures to take for the main types of burns, including first-degree, second-degree, third-degree, chemical, and electrical burns. See more

    Verywell Health
    Healing Stages of Burns

    The body reacts differently to burns than other types of wounds or injuries. Your skin will appear dry as it heals. It may also be darker or lighter than it was before. Except in minor bur… See more

    Verywell Health
  1. Most minor burns can be treated at home. They usually heal within a couple of weeks. For major burns, after first aid and after a healthcare professional looks at your burns, treatment may involve one or more of the following: medicines, wound dressings, therapy and surgery.
    Learn more:
    Most minor burns can be treated at home. They usually heal within a couple of weeks. For major burns, after first aid and after a healthcare professional looks at your burns, treatment may involve one or more of the following: medicines, wound dressings, therapy and surgery.…

    If you or someone around you gets burned, these are some general steps you should take immediately:

    1. Step away from the source of the burn.
    2. Gently flush the area with cool water to reduce the temperature. Never use ice.
    3. Remove clothing from the wound unless it's sticking; in that case, leave it for medical professionals to remove. Take off any jewelry before the area can swell.
    4. Cover the burn with a clean non-stick sterile bandage or cling wrap if you have it. ...

    For minor burns, follow these first-aid guidelines:

    • Cool the burn. Hold the area under cool — not cold — running water for about 10 minutes. ...
    • Remove rings or other tight items. Try to do this quickly and gently, before the burned area swells.
    • Apply lotion. ...
    • Bandage the burn. ...
    • If needed, take a nonprescription pain reliever, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others).…
    Wash the burn. Gently wash your burn with soap and cool water. A burn is a type of wound. So, it’s important to keep it clean to avoid infection. Apply ointment. Once your burn is clean, apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment. This keeps your skin safe from bacteria and helps prevent infection.…
    Treat It Yourself or Call for Help, Depending on the Severity Depending on the severity of a burn, which is based on depth and size, you might need to see a doctor or call 911. Regardless of the severity of the injury, follow these steps to immediately treat a burn:…
  2. Burns - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic

  3. Burns: First aid - Mayo Clinic

  4. How to treat a first-degree, minor burn - American Academy of …

  5. How To Treat A Burn: First Aid Treatment for Thermal Burns

  6. What is the treatment for a burn?

    Answered by verified global health professionals
    Dr. Rinta M BabuMBBS · 2 years of exp

    For minor burns, it's important to immediately run cool water over the burned area for around 20 minutes to stop the burning process. After that, you can apply aloe vera or an antibiotic ointment to the burn to keep it moist and protected. Over-the-counter pain medication can also help manage any discomfort. For more severe burns, it's crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Do not attempt to treat severe burns at home.

    See all questions on Burns

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  7. Outpatient Burn Care: Prevention and Treatment - AAFP

    Apr 15, 2020 · Initial treatment is directed at stopping the burn process. Superficial (first-degree) burns involve only the epidermal layer and require simple first-aid techniques with over-the-counter...

  8. How to Treat a Burn | The Hand Society - American …

    How to treat a burn depends on the severity of the burn. Burns over a major percentage of the body require hospitalization special care. Those just on the hand may be treated on an outpatient basis if the pain can be adequately …

  9. How to Treat a Burn at Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Jul 9, 2024 · Minor burns (first- and second-degree) are treatable at home. Here’s the proper way to heal a burn at home, including what to put on it.

  10. Proper Wound Care After a Burn Injury - MSKTC