His son Randhir Kapoor completed the film, which became a commercial hit. Raj Kapoor cast Zeba Bakhtiar, a fresh face, as the lead opposite Rishi Kapoor, marking her Hindi film debut. Zeba became ...
Zeba Bakhtiyaar, renowned for her iconic role in Henna, is a celebrated actress from Pakistan with a rich legacy in both Bollywood and Pakistani cinema.
Actor Aasif Khan recently shared the joyous occasion of his wedding to Zeba with his followers on Instagram, posting several candid photos from their traditional ceremony. In the images ...
Panchayat star Aasif Khan, known for his role as Ganesh, recently married his long-time partner, Zeba, on December 10, 2024. The actor shared joyous wedding photos on Instagram, capturing the couple's ...
Henna, considered to be Raj Kapoor’s last film, turned out to be a commercial success. Actress Zeba Bakhtiar rose to fame following its release. Before venturing into movies, Zeba was already ...
Crook will be on sabbatical in January, and will be returning to Salmon Arm to compete in his first Reino Keski-Salmi Loppet.
I understand that your health and wellness are your priority and I will work collaboratively with you towards your goals. I believe in providing holistic and individualized care. My area of ...
Dr. Zeba Islam Saiyeda is a General Medicine Doctor / Internal Medicine Doctor practicing in Malda, specializing in the field of General Medicine / Internal Medicine. If any of the displayed ...
Zeba Bakhtiar, launched into stardom by Raj Kapoor's Henna, experienced a tumultuous personal life. Her brief marriage to Jaaved Jaffrey ended quickly, followed by a four-year marriage to Adnan ...