A coalition of pro-Israel groups are pressuring the US Treasury Department to sanction Palestinian human rights groups.
Without remembering past events, we are doomed to repeat the same fatal mistakes. This has been proven endlessly over the ...
Purim is a holiday of paradox, where what seems most obvious is not the whole story — nor quite what it seems. It is a tale ...
REMEMBER This Shabbat is Shabbat Zachor. The reason it is called that is because we read a passage from Deuteronomy and also ...
What are these psychological lessons that we can learn from the Torah this week? Tetzaveh teaches that true spiritual growth ...
Moses commands the people to remember Amalek: "Remember what the Amalekites did to you on the way when you left Egypt weary and worn out from your journey. They attacked all lagging in the rear, ...
5:36 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Sabbath Ends: 6:36 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Sabbath Ends: Rabbenu Tam 7:08 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Rambam Yomi: Hilchos Yesodei Ha’Torah, chap. 7-9 Earliest ...
Clothes  In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Polonius tells his son Laertes to dress well because “apparel oft proclaims the man.” Now ...
Tens of thousands lined the roads in collective mourning for the Bibas family, displaying unparalleled national solidarity—except for except for the conspicuous absence of one large group.