处理器 英特尔 第二代酷睿 i5-2300 @ 2.80GHz 四核 主板 技嘉 Z77X-D3H ( 英特尔 Z77 Express 芯片组 ) 显卡 Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 ( 1 GB / 索泰 ) 内存 10 GB ( 十铨 DDR3 1600MHz / 金士顿 DDR3 1333MHz ) 主硬盘 三星 SSD 840 ...
After spending some time working with the Gigabyte Z77X-UD3H and all of the features that are packed into this board we are ready to cover the performance and user experience side of this motherboard.
This configuration uses Clover v5.1 r5126 as the bootloader, although the Latest verison of OpenCore should work with an older version of the HFSPlus driver. OpenCore Version is comming soon! With ...