Yin yoga is a style of yoga that involves holding various seated and reclined poses for a longer period of time to help you stretch deeper whilst quieting the mind. The poses are mainly seated, with ...
Always down to try something new, I decided to do Yin Yoga every evening for a week. I did lots of seated poses, including forward folds, spinal twists and hip openers. There weren’t as many standing ...
This yin yoga practice includes thoughts you can consider for each pose to help you discern what you would like for the year ...
“There’s so much more to yin than just lying,” Miranda, a yin fan, proclaimed. Yin yoga is a restorative, rather than an active, practice. “It draws from a Traditional Chinese Medicine and ...
Other benefits include spine mobilisation, hamstring ... Laura is passionate about enhancing wildlife encounters, through the power of holistic Yin and Vinyasa yoga practices which are seamlessly ...