These seeds are very persistent and ones as old as 50, or even 100, years have reportedly germinated. The greeny-yellow flowers of Petty spurge have no petals or sepals, but are held in cup-shaped ...
Spotted spurge is a weed of lawns. It has red spots on the leaf and is prostrate. The sap is milky and is said to be irritating. An annual, it germinates later than most broadleaf annuals. Two related ...
Milky sap is toxic to livestock. Leafy spurge should be reported. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources provides detailed recommendations for reporting invasive species. Small, showy, ...
As its greenish-yellow flowers in umbrella clusters dry, they explode and eject seeds up to five metres (six yards), spreading seeds that can remain dormant in soils for up to eight years. The stems ...
The seeds are about 2.5 mm long, smooth, greyish-yellow or brownish, 3 per capsule ... Livestock feeding on leafy spurge can become photosensitive. Biological control of this weed using moths, larvae, ...