That said, there are always a few hidden gems worth digging up, and the 360 has its fair share. Whether they were exclusive ...
All you need is an Xbox 360, a USB drive and two specific games to access homebrews or previously region-locked titles.
Creating PC ports of Xbox 360 games is still quite an involved and lengthy process, even with the help of XenonRecomp. The ...
Halo, Mass Effect, and GTA are just some of the best Xbox 360 games that require two or more discs to contain everything.
A recent petition points out a problem with digital-only Xbox consoles and asks for additions to Xbox Game Pass to fix the ...
Xbox 360 modders have discovered a new way to get homebrew apps and games running on the console. A new software-only exploit ...
Defiance, an interesting MMO video game based on a TV show that was introduced over a decade ago, is coming back in April as ...