XCOM 2 is such a good game that I feel strange doing my due diligence to explain it to the unfamiliar—but in case you've not heard of Firaxis' turn-based tactics masterpiece, let me lay the grid ...
Since XCOM and XCOM 2 cemented themselves as the definitive PC strategy games of the 2010s, the Long War mods likewise became the definitive enhancements for both games. Longer, tougher ...
In XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, soldiers can not only level up on the battlefield but also develop negative traits that impact their usefulness during a fight. Apart from this, soldiers can be ...
XCOM Chimera Squad: Will there be a Chimera Squad version? Yes. I will begin work to port MCM to Chimera Squad after I finish my first playthrough. For details, see the documentation. Install the MCM ...
This build is the same build that is on the workshop. Any changes here will eventually be pushed to the workshop once finalized. Please follow the same formatting as you see in the code. It's not as ...