The article about the loss of writing thank-you notes discusses another lost art. During COVID, I wrote letters to my ...
It turns out your mother was right: as short as they are, thank you notes are incredibly important. Writing one could make the difference between getting the job or not, so don't leave it up to chance ...
I wanted my class to submit a written gesture of gratitude to some instructors. Then I encountered a surprising hurdle.
Choosing high-quality stationery for your wedding thank-you notes greatly elevates their look and feel, showing how much you ...
Following an interview, write your interviewer a brief thank-you letter. This common courtesy lets the interviewer know that you understand business etiquette and calls his or her attention to ...
I'm not keen to (thank her children) for a bequest that was A. not of their generosity, and B. handled entirely by lawyers.
Here is a guide to writing a professional thank-you ... I look forward to hearing from you.” Sending a thank-you note after an internship interview can make a big difference in your chances ...
According to new research, though, we should all get back into the habit of writing thank you notes – and not just when we’ve been given a physical gift. Researchers at the University of ...
The goal of a thank you letter to your donor is to thank them for the generous contribution to your education and to share a little about yourself so that your donors can learn about you. Download a ...
There are all sorts of reasons that you might want to write a formal letter. They can be used to say thank you, to keep in touch with relatives, for booking holidays or applying for a job or work ...