Like getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist or forgetting your umbrella on the one day it downpours, occasional anxiety is ...
Practicing your coping skills before you even feel anxious can help you when ... you can begin prompting them to use them ahead of anxiety-provoking situations or even when they are already feeling ...
In Module 3, you identified coping skills that could help your child feel better when they are feeling anxious. So how do we know if something is a helpful coping skill or a harmful fix-it if they ...
Self-care targeted at protecting your emotional equilibrium and promoting your best coping skills can have a significant effect and lessen the impact of anxiety as a baseline or reactive state.
The first step in managing stress is to understand it. Although the terms stress, worry, and anxiety are used interchangeably by many people, they do have differences. Stress. Stress involves reacting ...
Avoidance is common, but in more severe cases, it can rule our lives. Avoidance is a coping mechanism for anxiety, although ...
Complete these activities and exercises to understand more about how to identify anxiety, develop coping skills, and make a self-care plan. Anxiety is sometimes thought of as a feeling of unease, ...
Emotion-focused coping skills help you process and work through ... even if you only have 5 minutes writing whatever comes to mind — don’t worry about editing or censoring yourself keeping ...
A study shows children's ability to cope with mistakes improves with age. Younger kids need more support, while older ones ...
Sunset anxiety can be a difficult experience but knowing what is causing it and using effective coping skills can make a big difference Read ahead to know more!
What can parents do to help their kids manage episodes of anger, sadness, or anxiety triggered ... practicing two skills can help both you and your child: validation and coping.