1941); Informal photograph of Gargett's section in 7th Armoured Division, Oct 1941; Photocopy of Middle East Forces Christmas card, 1941; Christmas card from Prisoner of War Camp in Italy, 1942; and ...
Explore the rich history of Lindenhurst veterans through a new display featuring memorabilia from the World War Veterans Club ...
Printed messages from Field Marshal B. L. Montgomery to the Eighth Army, Middle East Force, Oct 1942-Aug 1943, and group photographs in album with programmes of Artillery Regiment pageant, (1925) and ...
The family of two brothers who served in World War II have been reunited with memorabilia from their relatives' time in ...
Several items of Nazi memorabilia are set to go under the hammer in Tasmania, despite calls from the Jewish community to end the "perverse" sales. Armitage Auctions in Launceston will on Wednesday put ...
An exhibition will be held to mark the 100th anniversary of a hall built in memory of men who died in World War One. Residents said Goxhill Memorial Hall, on Chapel Street, had been central to life in ...
A retired Army sergeant is the proud recipient of a piece of military memorabilia used by US paratroopers in World War II.
Celebration organisers have appealed for wartime memorabilia to help mark the 80th ... of the town on the original VE Day at the end of World War Two in 1945. It was the day the European phase ...
Two Long Island historical memorabilia collectors say they will turn over 41 flags carried by Japanese servicemen in World ...
This, however, is important and has value - £150 to a collector of First World War memorabilia. Did you know? The British and German troops played a game of football in World War I ...