This week's garden column offers tips about preparing for spring, including the use of compost or mulch in your garden and ...
Wood chips can be used as mulch, in compost, and to make pathways in the garden. Wood chips are an easy and affordable way to give your garden a boost. They're commonly used as mulch to suppress ...
In addition, the presence of wood chips and mulch can help fend off garden pests. Finally, both of these options serve as a protective layer between the soil and outside interference. Despite ...
If you plan on using your wood chips for compost or mulch, you want your chipper to ... You can spread them to create a pathway in your garden or to make a soft surface under your child’s ...
Mulch is supposed to make your garden look polished and well-kept, but if you’ve ever ended up with a chaotic, patchy mess, ...
In another sign that spring is right around the corner, Brookhaven Town Clerk Kevin LaValle has announced that the Town of ...
FEED THE LAWN: Apply a fertilizer to your lawn over the next three weeks. Use a lawn fertilizer and follow label directions ...
Wood chips are best used for mulch to keep weeds down and then added to the garden soil after they have broken down into more useful nutrients. Wood chips can also be composted 50/50 with "green ...
Spring is in the air, garden cleanup is underway and a fresh layer of mulch gives any landscape or garden a clean look while suppressing weeds.