This is a work in progress rewrite of my original WiFi Clock. It's being rewritten to use my zIOTBP32 Biolerplate which enabled a soft AP for confiuguring WiFi access as well as many other quality of ...
Growing concerns about a possible nuclear war and other global threats have pushed forward the symbolic Doomsday Clock by 30 seconds - to just two minutes before midnight. The Bulletin of the ...
Nasa has put a miniaturised atomic clock in orbit that it believes can revolutionise deep-space navigation. About the size of a toaster, the device is said to have 50 times the stability of ...
Atomic clocks are one of the most precise timekeeping technologies in the world. They keep time by monitoring the incredibly stable resonant frequency of atoms. Infleqtion’s atomic clock ...
That was back in 2001, when he and his colleague Christian Tamm proposed a device with the potential to be even more precise and portable than the world’s best atomic clocks. Peik’s estimate ...