Years ago, when I learned from REAL SIMPLE that distilled white vinegar (the $2 stuff you buy in the condiment aisle) was a ...
Do a search on how to clean anything in your home and you’ll probably get results that suggest using distilled white vinegar. Diluted with water to about 5 percent acidity, distilled white ...
Cheap vinegar, produced from inferior white wine, will give poor results to your finished dish. Buy good-quality, aromatic vinegar with a complex flavour. The label will often specify which type ...
One tablespoon of malt vinegar mixed with water (250ml) helps in calcium absorption. This is good for those who are lactose intolerant. Like white vinegar, I use malt vinegar to wash my fruits and ...
How to make your own multipurpose anti-bac spray Ingredients: 60ml white vinegar, 150ml water, 40ml surgical spirit, 20 drops organic essential oil, 300ml glass spray bottle. Method: Shake all ...
Cheap vinegar, produced from inferior white wine, will give poor results to your finished dish. Buy good-quality, aromatic vinegar with a complex flavour. The label will often specify which type ...