A fungal infection is generally easier to spot, as a layer of white, moldy dust will spread across leaves. Tomato fruits are generally still edible even if they have white spots. However ...
Leaf spots should not affect the amount of fruit your plants produce. There are three leaf spot diseases commonly found on garden tomatoes in Minnesota: Septoria leaf spot, early blight and bacterial ...
Septoria leaf spot is a soil-borne fungal disease that only infects tomato leaves and stems. The spots enlarge to 1/8-inch in diameter and are distinguished by a dark brown edge with a white or gray ...
The center of the leaf spots often falls out resulting in ... Fruit spots are 1/4 inch, slightly raised, brown and scabby. Tomato fruit often have a waxy white halo surrounding the fruit spot. Pepper ...
The dataset consists of images of tomato leaves categorized into different disease types. The dataset is taken from a newly augmented version of the Pant Village dataset. From this dataset, only the ...