It’s a tight fit, but it does fit. The Rumbler isn’t just a white noise generator. White noise has a flat spectrum, but the noise from the Rumbler is closer to Red or Brownian Noise.
A configurable AWGN generator that can be used as emulator of a noisy transmission channel and can support very high throughput rates up to 10 Gbps.
The emulator replicates real-world fading, spatial channel conditions, MIMO and SISO channels, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and much more, making it possible to isolate performance issues ...
Listening to white noise can help reduce distractions or aid sleep, and your iPhone has a built-in tool for this. Apple calls it the Background Sounds feature, and we'll teach you how to use it to ...
A great white noise machine drowns out distracting background noise so you can get a restful night's sleep. These handy devices aren't intended to play so loudly that they overwhelm outside ...
"If I record background white noise or if I have a random white noise generator and I record that, with me being the first person to fix that recording, then I am the owner of its copyright." ...