For decades, a pristine, weed-free lawn has served as the gold standard of the American landscape, but not all weeds are bad.
White clover serves as the premier living mulch system over any other legume. It is robust, resilient and competitive. It produces nice, green walkways and builds soils. It outcompetes weeds ...
For weed control in waste places, metsulfuron is often added to glyphosate to improve control of white clover plus other weeds not killed by glyphosate. In lawns, selective herbicides containing ...
Leaflets are oblong to wedge-shaped and are serrated around the margin. Usually variegated with a white or red "watermark." Stems are smooth grow horizontally near the soil. The round head has white ...
White clover is a perennial species with stolons ... Care must be taken when composting clippings from lawns treated with herbicides such as clopyralid and picloram as the residues are persistent.