Wheat is the raw material for the naan bread that is their staple food, and wheat is a key crop for the farmers who make up the majority of the country’s population. The Japanese research institute ...
Naan is typically made from chewy bread flour or a type of refined wheat flour called maida. Traditional naan is prepared in a special tandoor oven, a mammoth beehive-shaped vessel with three-foot ...
Tandoori garlic naan is an Indian leavened flatbread made with wheat flour and spiced with exotic taste of chopped garlic and green chillies. In a small katori, add butter and heat it on low flame. To ...
You're able to get a grain similar to wheat when you go out to a more wide-open part of the map, right? So maybe they make something like naan using that grain. On top of that, we wanted it to be ...