Meet the most common botanical interlopers you're likely to find in your garden or vegetable patch, and learn how to treat ...
Read more: 14 Tips For Growing A Healthy Garden It's easy to mistake these deceiving invasive weeds for flowers, due to their bright yellow petals and green spearmint-like leaves. As part of the ...
Many are easy to cope with. For instance, the Asiatic hawksbeard has a rosette of leaves and sends up a single stalk with yellow flowers on top. This weed isn’t too hard to pull. In a few ...
The flower heads are a fairly distinctive colour as well, being about 2-4 cm in diameter, dark purple in the middle with pale yellow ray florets on the outsides, and a deeper yellow at the base of the ...
Flowers are yellow, borne on numerous small heads with overlapping involucral ... sunflowers have been cultivated since pre columbian times for its edible seeds. They are common weeds of roadsides, ...
A weed is simply a plant that is growing where it is not wanted ... For example, if you hold a buttercup under your chin and a yellow shadow appears, it means you like butter.