Patagonia makes some of the best outdoor gear on the market. From sleeping bags to crossbody bags, the retailer keeps you ...
Wheeled backpacks usually are pretty spacious ... The term "knapsack" describes a waterproof backpack made from canvas, leather, or nylon and is usually used for hiking or military purposes.
On specs One of the first things the designers of "waterproof" bags often miss focusing on is hardware. Our garage is a graveyard of maimed and/or obliterated backpacks (yes, we're pack rats).
The most important factor in a waterproof bag is, of course, how dry it keeps your stuff. The Urban Ex proved reliably waterproof on test, even in torrential downpours – brilliant if you're ...
a lightweight convertible backpack, an ultra-packable duffle, a duffle to pair with a suitcase, a rolling duffle for checking, and a waterproof gear hauler. I’ve reviewed bags for Wirecutter ...