Ask corn growers what their No. 1 weed problem ... Residual control or suppression of 79 grass and broadleaf weeds with excellent control of waterhemp and giant ragweed Attacks weeds at their ...
In corn, diflufenican will be paired with ... unsure why Bayer did not discover diflufenican’s ability to control pigweed and waterhemp sooner. However, it is a routine practice for companies ...
Waterhemp can drastically reduce corn and soy yields, as seen on the right in a corn field in Essex County. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases ...
Waterhemp control is critical because the weed can cause significant yield loss and, when it is resistant to herbicides, also results in increased control costs, as much as doubling them.
Ongoing research shows that multiple herbicide–resistant weed populations continue to grow in scope in Midwestern U.S. production fields. Thus, keeping their seedbank density low is critical for ...