The first is essentially a DIY rapid at-home test with paper testing strips to dip into your water and compare results to an ...
The Barnstable County Water Quality Laboratory is now certified to test water for PFAS in-house. How does this benefit Cape ...
It's not true that the mussels automatically shut off the city's water supply. When the mussels' shell movements trigger an ...
The city of Mount Clemens is changing the laboratory it uses to determine ... being cited earlier this year by state water authorities in routine testing of drinking water quality.
This accreditation underscores the lab's commitment to delivering precise and reliable water-quality testing services. ‘Total coliforms are a group of naturally occurring bacteria found in soil ...
Residents across the uThukela District Municipality are facing a concern about the safety of their drinking water. The municipality has had their water quality testing laboratory closed due to an ...
The Utah Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University celebrates 60 years of impactful water and environmental research ...
WearCheck Water’s Johannesburg laboratory was recently awarded ISO/IEC17025 Accreditation for Total Coliforms and E.coli ...