Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning ... For example, some strains will cause warts that will manifest on the hands and feet, while infection to others may trigger the formation ...
Wearing protective footwear such as flip-flops or pool shoes in these areas can prevent the virus from coming into contact with your feet. Keep Feet Dry: Since moist environments promote wart ...
YOU probably don’t think about your feet much – unless they get stomped on. But your feet can tell you a lot about your health. From fungal infections and pesky warts to more complicated ...
True or false Warts can appear anywhere on your body. False. Warts don't have roots or seeds. The virus can move or 'seed' in the skin and 'seed' new warts, but it's the virus that's moving and ...
First the bad news. A poorly done pedi can cause bacteria or fungus to set up shop on your toes or feet. You can also get plantar warts this way. So how do you protect yourself? Be sure that your ...