It's only natural to assume that most types of aerosol products will have harmful chemicals in them that can put the user or ...
First things first –- safety. It is best to wear gloves when using WD-40. The company's safety data sheet warns about the dangers of prolonged skin contact with the product. If you are using the ...
While the exact composition of WD-40 is such a closely guarded trade secret that the formula is locked in a California bank vault, the product’s safety data sheet notes that it contains organic ...
In its Material Safety Data Sheet, WD-40 says its effects when inhaled or ingested can include drowsiness, dizziness, and even death. As a general rule, then, it's best to spray it only in well ...
The result was WD-40 Multi-Use Product, and its uses have only multiplied in the 71 years since. Convair’s Atlas ICBM finally aged out of Strategic Air Command and into use for the civilian ...
WD-40 is a popular multi-purpose lubricant, penetrating oil, and water-displacing spray widely used for a variety of applications. It was developed in 1953 by the Rocket Chemical Company in San ...
The brand he tried was Normfest Bremsenreiniger MC-1, a German brand that according to its Safety Data Sheet contains only hydrocarbons like alkanes, butane, and propane. It did a fine job ...