you need to use SteamVR on your PC to pair and update your controllers, and then use the headset to set up your room-scale or standing-only play area. If you are using PlayStation VR, you need to ...
You can also use our sidebar to make navigation easier. As it's important you research each set before jumping into the world of VR, we've included key specs, pros and cons of each model ...
VR is going to be the next big thing in five to seven years, and with that comes the problem of what the controllers will look like. The Vive and PS Move are probably close to what the first ...
Discover gaming’s latest emerging frontier with haptic advancements in VR gaming. Learn the ins and outs of this fascinating ...
Valve is working on a set of new hardware. A recent leak from Brad Lynch, a well-known figure in the VR community, revealed that Valve is working on a new iteration of the Steam Controller ...
Android smartphone virtual reality gaming has carved out a niche for affordable immersion through headsets like Google ...
The world of virtual reality doesn't have to be an expensive one and HTC Vive is hosting a March sale on some headsets that ...
Restart the controller and the VR headset, as well as updating the firmware ... To do this, you'll need essential tools and materials such as a screwdriver set of varying sizes and types, a ...
he reverse-engineered the Samsung Gear VR controller that accompanies the Gear VR add-on for their phones. By digging into the APK that links the device to the phone, he was able to figure out the ...
The current price for the full bundle is set to be $1200 ... 2025 The bundle would include the headset, two VR controllers, and multiple games that have finished development.
This is a VR template for UE4 that allows gamepad and motion controller input. The game can be set up for non-vr thirdperson games too. Blueprint Virtual Reality Template for Desktop and Playstation ...