A talented Pokemon fan online shows off their impressive costume of the Generation 5 Bug and Fire-type, Volcarona.
Seeing a Shiny Pokemon is a 1 in 8192 odds or something along those lines, so seeing them in the anime is always a hype ...
Pokemon fan artists design new regional forms for Mareep, Volcarona, Torkoal, and more for the upcoming fan game Pokemon ...
How to catch the regionally exclusive Gen 5 Pokémon Maractus, Sigilyph and Bouffalant during Go Tour Unova: Global in.
The Bug/Fire type is one of the most beloved to come out of Gen V, evolving into the powerhouse Volcarona. Its fiery bristles might make it tough to cuddle, but it’s still one of the cutest ...
How to catch the regionally exclusive Gen 5 Pokémon Throh, Sawk, Heatmor and Durant during Go Tour: Unova Global in.