Since childhood, we've been told that eating carrots is good for your eyesight. This reputation is due to their richness in vitamin A, an essential fat-soluble nutrient. A large carrot contains around ...
The Food and Nutrition Board has set Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) levels for vitamin A. This is the minimum amount needed to prevent a vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A supplementation may be ...
VITAMIN A RDA: 800micrograms (mcg). SOURCES: 100g veal liver (800mcg), 2 eggs (211mcg), 100g tuna (372mcg), 100g red peppers (212mcg), 1 orange (8mcg). WHY WE NEED IT: Essential for vision ...
This table shows the vitamin requirements for females ages 9 to 50 years as well as requirements for some minerals. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) represent an AI rather than an RDA.