This is probably the most elaborate virtual pinball build we’ve seen, but it’s not the only one. Heck, we’ve even seen a virtual machine built into a real pinball machine’s case.
Pinball FX VR brings the iconic franchise library to life with the ultimate '80s arcade atmosphere - now fully immersive in ...
It's been 14 years since Portal 2, and, well, the wait for a new game in the series isn't exactly over. But if you're a ...
Do you love pinball, but can’t justify owning a full-size cabinet? Yeah, us either, and that’s why we’re so interested in [mircemk]’s great-looking DIY mini virtual pinball cabinet.
A new Portal pinball game has just been announced, and it has the original Glados voice actor in it. It's pretty pricey though, so I wouldn't buy it for your own home unless you've got a lot of extra ...