Collin Smitherman had a crisis. After years of running his outdoor retail shop Stoked, he started questioning if he was helping people or just feeding into a cycle of waste by selling new equipment.
USU Outdoor Programs' used gear sale returns on March 29, offering affordable equipment for outdoor enthusiasts.
Right now, for companies who can act, there are likely some superb deals at your local used equipment dealer or auctioneer. There are a few macro reasons this is happening that I’ll mention in a ...
Outdoor Gear Exchange, which partially built its reputation on quality used gear available on consignment, is returning to ...
Take a deep dive into the used tractor, combine and cotton picker markets, and learn about how one equipment manufacturer is making technology adoption less of a leap for farmers.
((SL Advertiser)) ABC15 & Earnhardt Auto Centers 2nd Chance Sports Gear Drive. For drop off locations and to learn more go to ...
This event offers an opportunity to get deals on gently used outdoor gear while raising funds to provide free outdoor education programs in Humboldt County and to nurture local dune ecosystems.
Glenwood Springs has been missing a certain type of community connection since the legendary Gear Exchange on sixth street ...