If your veterinarian also noticed crystals in your cat's urine in the urinalysis, as well as the bacteria, they might ...
The medications we use can have harsh side effects, so we prefer to start with a more natural and gentle approach. The first thing we ask patients to do is generally to maintain a urinary log ...
Considering taking supplements to treat urinary tract infections utis? Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of urinary tract infections utis. Follow the ...
Get to know why some women are more vulnerable to developing urinary incontinence than others. Also, find some expert suggested measures to deal with incontinence. Urinary Incontinence is a common ...
New research confirms that weight loss is an effective first-line intervention for overweight or obese women with urinary incontinence. Such patients should be encouraged to lose weight ...
Increase water consumption: Keep a water fountain and make sure that it is full and running so the water will be fresh. Change the diet: To prevent another infection or any urinary problem ...