"It is damaging to people." City installs underground mechanism to solve destructive problem plaguing local waterways — ...
Infiltration trenches also reduce the amount of stormwater that would enters the sewer system and ultimately go to a treatment facility. It does this by storing the water in the soil, which acts as an ...
Officials believe plastic crates that make up the underground stormwater system are what had caught fire. Fire crews have since cleared the scene.
which included a custom stormwater management system installed over an existing fiber optic infrastructure buried less than 10 feet underground. In addition to navigating the fiber optics ...
A Scranton neighborhood has yet to see work on a project that will upgrade an aging stormwater system. Construction on a ...
A sand filter, or "filtration basin", is a stormwater quality treatment system that works by using a two-component clarification system: the first is a sediment forebay for settling large particles ...
Dozens of flood channel segments across the city still have not been maintained in at least 14 years, recent city records ...
"You gotta keep 'em separated" isn't just a famous lyric from The Offspring's 1994 hit song “Come Out and Play.” ...