Ultimate is a non-contact sport played by two seven-player-teams. The object of the game is to score goals. The disc may only be moved by passing ... adherence to the agreed upon rules of the game or ...
We strive to teach the rules, fundamentals, strategies, and other aspects of Ultimate Frisbee to our Calvin Community. Our team organizes in the fall and schedules matches with other local ...
Yes, there are also official rules to the game ... the local organizing body for ultimate frisbee. Kilkenny has been involved with the sport since 2002, when he joined a group in Massachusetts ...
The Sandlot Ultimate Frisbee crew has only three rules: always watch the Frisbee, never dive and hustle, have heart, have fun, but don't keep score. And it works. What started three years ago, with ...
Starting an Ultimate Frisbee league to repair a war-torn country ... counts on players to call their own fouls and enforce the rules themselves. Learning to play the game is an exercise in ...
See the complete list. One of the top teams in the nation, Northwestern’s women’s Ultimate Frisbee squad works hard and plays hard. If you ask Merriam-Webster, “gung ho” means extremely excited and ...
The Ultimate Frisbee club is a mixed gender team that plays competitively around New England. “Ultimate” is a fast paced, non-contact sport that welcomes all skill, experience and conditioning levels!