A dentist shared 4 easy tips to know what causes mouth ulcers and how to prevent them from happening again. Learn more about ...
A 57-year-old male patient visited the Department of Oral Medicine, Kyungpook National University Dental Hospital with the chief complaint of painful ulcer on the tip of the tongue. The ulcer had ...
You may also notice bumps on the back of your tongue, sores that appear on the side, or a white coating. COVID can also sometimes cause loss of papillae, which makes your tongue look smooth.
A tongue also can be painful on the sides or at the back. Treatment depends on the cause but may include good oral hygiene, ...
A sore tongue might occur with diabetes ... of shriveled up and lose some of its normal appearance. How can I make my tongue healthy again? Treat conditions that can affect the tongue, such ...
Whenever I have a mouth ulcer, I find myself reminiscing back to the days that my mouth didn’t hurt. Those halcyon times when a cup of tea was comforting, not biting. When a packet of salt and ...
Mouth ulcers appear as small round lesions (or sores) in the oral cavity (mouth). Generally the lesions are red, white or grey in colour. In medical term, these are also known as apthous ulcers.
A case of oral tuberculosis ulcer with poor response to topically applied steroids in a patient with latent TB is presented herein.