The project has been masterminded by Scottish arranger Sandy Smith, a former member of the famed Black Dyke Mills Band, and multi-instrumentalist, composer and arranger Hannah Mills. The Irish ...
The documentary will also feature a brand new recording of Tubular Bells with over 35 musicians, many of whom played with Mike Oldfield including Rick Fenn, Phil Spalding, Alasdair Malloy ...
“Tubular Bells” and “Mike Oldfield” immediately evoke the iconic earworm that is the tune's opening piano motif, which, on a broader pop culture level, is inextricably linked to William ...
Mike Oldfields iconic Tubular Bells took the world by storm when it launched in 1973 and nearly 50 years on continues to sell over 100000 albums per year with a total of 17 million copies sold ...
He had a plan for an ambitious long piece of music that would become “Tubular Bells”. The investment paid off handsomely when ...