Identifying a dominant leader and cutting away any competing leaders when a tree is young will allow it to grow more robustly ...
When to prune an orange tree will vary depending on your US hardiness zone. The perfect time can be between February and ...
If needed, extensive pruning should be done to spring-flowering trees and shrubs soon after they finish flowering. Prune ...
The Santa Ana winds that spread the fires with lightning speed blew with hurricane force. Although nothing can compare to the ...
In terms of quince, the right time to prune quince trees is during their dormant season. This can be anywhere between leaf ...
MacCubbin gives advice on gardening in Florida including care of crape myrtles, dwarf yaupon hollies, hibiscus, lichen on ...
Never prune more than 20% to 30% of the jade plant’s branches at one time. Removing too much of the plant can shock it and ...
Pruning is a great way to get outdoors in winter, breathe some fresh air, and gain a sense of accomplishment. And it’s good ...
An upcoming workshop show how to press and preserve flowers and turn them into cards, bookmarks and other items.