Urethral discharge or urethritis is also common in men below ... ALSO READ: Understanding enlarged prostate: Causes, symptoms and treatment options Men of all ages may face a sudden onset of ...
This treatment can clear up your symptoms without further problems. However, if left untreated, urethritis can lead to long-term damage to the urethra. Scar tissue called urethral stricture can ...
Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra ... In a person with HIV who is not taking HIV treatment, untreated NGU/NSU may make them more infectious. This is because untreated sexually transmitted ...
Urethritis, cervicitis due to N. gonorrhoeae: 2g as a single dose. MAC prevention (alone or combined with rifabutin): 1200mg once weekly. MAC treatment (combined with ethambutol): 600mg once daily.
Urethritis, cervicitis due to N. gonorrhoeae: 2g as a single dose. MAC prevention (alone or combined with rifabutin): 1200mg once weekly. MAC treatment (combined with ethambutol): 600mg once daily.