When shopping for a sad light therapy lamp, the most critical thing to consider is the intensity of the light. Lamps that emit 10,000 lux are the most effective at treating SAD, but lamps with ...
Common SAD treatments include medication, psychotherapy and phototherapy (light therapy). Seasonal affective disorder will look different depending on your unique expression of it. The common symptoms ...
The winter and its lack of sunshine can trigger what’s known as Seasonal Affective Disorder ... The remedy you may not have thought of? Light therapy lamps. The challenge of getting outside ...
A message on the brand's website says: 'If you position Zest at about 50cm, then a 20-minute daily light therapy session should be sufficient for effective SAD treatment'. You should always check any ...
Available on Amazon, the palm-sized wand device harnesses the power of red and infrared light to help speed up healing, pain relief and recovery.
Like many treatments, results takes time and consistency. “Generally, using red light therapy devices two to three times per week is recommended,” says Camp. “Results can typically be ...
talk with them about the benefits you've received from the light therapy. They may have other suggestions for combining it with other seasonal affective disorder treatments. The information ...