Where a bipolar transistor requires significant base current to turn itself on, the corresponding FET requires almost none. Thus almost all complex integrated circuit logic devices are FET-based ...
(If the voltage applied to the base is negative, the transistor turns off again.) Transistors do not create electric current, they only control electric current supplied to them. The input current ...
The different types of material are arranged in three layers, with the p-type in the middle for a typical transistor. When voltage is applied to the middle layer (called the "base"), it allows current ...
When a current is supplied to the coil of wire ... Instead of connecting the transistor base to power, we will connect it to one of the mini-D1 output pins (we chose D0). In this case, the ...
The boundary between these two kinds of semiconductors is known as a P-N junction, and it's a crucial part of a transistor. In the presence of this junction, current can start to flow from one ...