In a unique Christmas-themed episode of Transformers Animated, fans got an unexpected glimpse of their favorite Autobots as flesh-and-blood humans, thanks to a devious plot by the villainous Soundwave ...
Here's our complete "Transformers One" cast and character guide. Chris Hemsworth plays Orion Pax in "Transformers One," who eventually becomes Optimus Prime. Hemsworth is most known for playing ...
A new Transformers YouTube series and toyline has been announced, with the series showcasing anime-inspired Transformers from ...
Not long after Megatron's demise and the restoration of Cybertron, the Autobots celebrate as their leader Optimus Prime promotes Bumblebee to warrior class. Meanwhile, Unicron has taken over ...
Transformers has had more animated series than we can count but not nearly as many representations of the warring robots in ...
When one thinks of Transformers, one often remembers the timeless conflict between Optimus Prime and the Autobots ... in developing the world and its new cast of characters post-Armada ...
But it turns out that they are aided by another alien robot who is searching for Optimus Prime. Cade Yeager, a "robotics expert", buys an old truck and upon examining it, he thinks it's a Transformer.