Apple has unveiled the latest version of its MacBook Pro, and it includes a brand new touchscreen feature which lets you access certain tools and shortcuts right from the keyboard. There's a lot ...
has just posted a mock up of the Optimus Tactus keyboard concept. A Transformer of sorts, the design consists of a large touchscreen panel that would allow users / software to create keys and ...
Typing on a touchscreen keyboard by swiping the finger from key to key. Also called "glide typing," after getting used to it, many people feel swipe typing offers a much faster way to enter text.
Although earlier BlackBerry smartphones had physical keyboards, all smartphones today use a touchscreen keyboard to enter text (see BlackBerry). On most smartphone keyboards, pressing the space ...
So what’s new about this? According to the documents this is all about getting that touchscreen to feel like a real keyboard. As such Apple is looking at placing a unique haptic feedback board ...
You basically have three options. You can have a traditional laptop with a touch screen, a detachable keyboard tablet device, or a 2-in-1 that can fold into a tablet. 2-in-1 laptops, sometimes ...
People can type almost as fast on a phone screen as they do on a computer keyboard, suggests a study ... spent about six hours per day tapping on a touchscreen, she said. "Such a large amount ...
During a media tour in 2007 in which Jobs showed the device to reporters, there was one instance in which a journalist criticized the iPhone's touch screen keyboard. "It doesn't work," the ...
[ErfanSn] combined these two ideas, creating a library to automate smartphone touchscreen events and keyboard input with an ATtiny85 — open for all of us to use, and with examples to spare.