Start a countdown timer for 20 minutes, perform a single rep of each movement (for the lunges, left foot plus right foot equals 1 rep), then begin again, this time performing 2 reps of each movement ...
This workout still hits the upper chest, sternal head (middle part of the pec) and the lower chest by angling your body and moving your arms in different directions, just as you would in the gym.
Push downward which brings this down in front of you. Once you hold on to this you let this one go and just do a chest press motion. Be careful not to bring your arms back to far which would over ...
Traditionally, the exercises within a superset target different muscle groups. The idea is to condense them together to save ...
If you want to build a bigger chest in time for summer but are new to strength training and don’t know where to start, then this workout can help. Walking into a gym and being swamped by crazy ...