Gift card exchanges vary in the cards they allow, selling fees and more. Several questionable competitors exist with poor reviews, scam reports, non-functioning sites or security concerns.
What you’ll need is to choose the amount you want to gift (as little as $5 or as much as $500 in most cases) and then the ...
They each work slightly differently, so the one you choose will depend on convenience — and sometimes, the gift card merchant. Sites like GCX (a subsidiary of Raise for buying and selling gift ...
Text Callout : Key Takeaways - 3 Sites That Pay Cash for Unused Gift Cards Do you have a gift card balance you don't plan to use? An estimated 60% of U.S. consumers have at least one, according to ...
your gift recipient does it instead. Sites like Sugarwish and Snappy allow you to choose what to send and the size of the gift you’re looking to send. Just like with gift cards, all you need is ...