Tobramycin sulfate 10mg/mL, 40mg/mL; soln for IM inj or IV infusion after dilution; contains 1.56mg sodium per 20mg/mL vial; contains sulfites. Obesity: base dose on lean body mass. Give by IM inj ...
Tobramycin is an antibacterial drug. It inhibits the growth of bacteria by inhibiting protein synthesis. Tobramycin is included in this combination product to provide action against susceptible ...
If you have not told your doctor or pharmacist about any of the above, tell them before you are given tobramycin. any drug that may cause kidney or hearing problems neostigmine and pyridostigmine ...
If you have not told your doctor or pharmacist about any of the above, tell them before you are given TOBRAMYCIN VIATRIS. any drug that may cause kidney or hearing problems neostigmine and ...
as well as clotrimazole and tobramycin, two other generic drugs. Under terms of the deal, Teva paid a criminal penalty of ...
New kit system enables selection of granule sizes suited for patient anatomy in real time BonVie+ is a calcium-salt ...
The central repository of the drug and medication centre helps to navigate to different sections. Medindia's platform provides carefully curated details on generics, brand names, side-effects ...