Continue reading below to understand the science behind the techniques listed above to calm your anxiety and curb your ... clinicians see gains with universal tips and individualized treatment.
You will be amazed at how focusing on your inhales and exhales can create a calming effect amid chaos. Additionally, spending time in nature can help ground you and reduce stress levels.
All the tips in the world won't help you sleep easier with anxiety if you don't acknowledge you're feeling anxious. Whatever you're feeling -- stressed, scared or worried -- accept it so you can ...
According to a 2020 study of adults receiving chemotherapy, weighted blankets helped reduce their anxiety during the process. The added pressure of a weighted blanket may help calm your heart rate ...
Family psychotherapists and childhood anxiety experts Maria Evans and Ashley Graber wrote “Raising Calm Kids in a World of Worry” specifically for this age group, and specifically for people ...
While flying can be an exciting experience for some people, it can be a source of anxiety and stress for many ... practical strategies to help you stay calm and allow you to have a more enjoyable ...