Just as she was accepting that it might be lost forever, her husband discovered the tiny heirloom. Cattaneo continued: "I thought it was for sure gone, but to my surprise, it was perfectly intact.
2.5 - 4.0 cu. ft. 5 - 7.0 cu. ft. 8 - 10.0 cu. ft. Water Heater 6 Gallon Gas/Elec. Water Heater 6 Gallon Gas/Elec. w/DSI Water Heater 10 Gallon Gas/Elec. Water Heater 10 Gallon Gas/Elec. w/DSI ...
TRAVEL TRAILERS/5TH WHEELS - Due to limited resale activity, we are unable to determine used values. Only select options below that are in addition to standard equipment and equipment noted in the ...