Now Robinson has written her own exegesis of the first book of the Bible, called Reading Genesis. It follows Calvin’s in ...
Archaeologists from Washington even believe the Garden of Eden could be a real place where civilisation began.
Just a little bit of study of the first book of Genesis shows, for example, that there is a very intriguing literary shape to this early Genesis. Day one is light; day four mentions the sun and ...
I have it now." Thus are the culminating words of the first—and in many ways the foundational—book of the Torah, the book of Genesis: "Joseph died at the age of one hundred and ten years ...
In the book of Genesis men are called upon to practice coitus interruptus, commonly known as the "withdrawal" method. 384-322 B.C. The Greek philosopher Aristotle is thought to be the first person ...
By the end, He made animals and man (Adam), and Adam’s job was to care for God’s creation and name all the animals. God had called His creation “good” and “very good” (when it came to humans), but ...
I will make of you a great nation, And I will bless you. — Genesis 12:1-2 God instructed Abraham to leave his home and travel to Canaan, the Promised Land, which is today known as Israel.
Modern Jews also need to change the world because the outside is getting nasty. A worldwide study of Antisemitism was released by the ADL on January 14. The results were frightening: “The survey shows ...