By accepting the Torah, the Jews themselves became a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation (Shemos 19:6). However, Chazal tell us (Shabbat 88a) that their acceptance of the Torah was under duress.
Our Torah portion begins with the story of Jethro [a priest of Midian], father-in-law of Moses, who, after hearing about the splitting of the Red Sea and the war against Amalek, decided to join ...
The ninth weekly biblical reading in Exodus, Ki Tissa (30:11-34:35), tells us significant details about God, the Torah, and the Shabbat, revealing deep meaning and significance that should affect our ...
The Torah contains many laws that guide Jews on how to live a life that pleases God. The Torah contains 613 laws. These are known by Jews as the mitzvot. Jews use the Torah as a guide for living.
This case, about Shira Horowitz's teaching at South Area Solomon Schechter Day School in Stoughton, MA, explores the question, "How can I teach Torah to young children in a way that respects the ...
CHARLIE: When you're Jewish like me you try to live life by God's Commandments in the Torah the first Five Books of Moses. Every synagogue has its own Torah scrolls. Each one is hand-written in ...
Dear all, This past weekend, our Confirmation Class travelled to Washington DC to take part in the Religious Action Center’s ...
Last year, in celebration of the 123rd birthday of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, Machne Israel-Lubavitch commissioned the writing ...